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Prometric Dental Exam Study Materials for DHA, MOH, HAAD,NHRA,OMSB,QCHP

Writer's picture: Mayakha MariamMayakha Mariam

Updated: Mar 3, 2022

Prometric Dental Exam Study Materials


  1. An Introduction to Orthodontics, Third Edition, Laura Mitchell, 2007, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  2. Contempoary Orthodontics, Fourth Edition, William R. Proffit , Henry W. Fields and David M. Sarver 2006, Saint Louis: Mosby, Inc.

If you are an Orthodontist, check out Dentello study material for Orthodontic Prometric exam.

Operative Dentistry:

  1. Textbook of Operative Dentistry/L. Baum, Ralph W. Phillips, Melvin R. Lund.Philadelphia: Saunders, 1995.

  2. Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry: A Contemporary Approach, Third Edition, Summitt, James B.

  3. Robbins, William J. Hilton, Thomas J. , Schwartz, Richard S. Quintessence Pub. Co

  4. Sturdivant's Art & Science of Operative Dentistry (Hardcover) by Theodore M. Roberson (Editor), Harold O. Heymann (Editor), Edward J. Swift Jr.(Editor)Publisher Mosby

Removable Prosthodontics:

  1. Complete Denture 5th Edition By Rahn, Hartwell.

  2. Boucher's prosthodontic Treatment for Edentulous Patients 10th ed.

If you are a Prosthodontist, check out Dentello study material for Prosthodontic Prometric exam.

Fixed Prosthodontics:

  1. Contemporary Fixed Prosthodotics 4th edition By Rosensteil

  2. Fundamenals of Fixed Prosthodontics 3rd Edition by shillinburg


  1. Carranza's Clinical Periodontology by Michael G. Newman DDS ,Henry Takei DDS, Fermin A. Carranza Dr. Odont

  2. Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry

If you are a Periodontist, check out Dentello study material for Periodontic Prometric exam.

Dental Materials:

  1. Philips Science Of Dental Materials: 11th Edn. - Kenneth J. Anusavice. Publisher: Elsevier Science

  2. Restorative Dental Materials - 12 Edn. Robert G. Craig Publisher: CV Mosby, 2006


  1. Pediatric Dentistry Infancy Through Adolescence By Pinkham,J.R.,4thEdition,2005

  2. Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent By Macdonald, R.E.AND Avery ,D.R 8TH Edition ,2005;Mosby Co,Inc

  3. Fundamental of Pediatric Dentistry By Mathewson RJ, Primosch RE Third Edition,1995

If you are a Pedodontist, check out Dentello study material for Pedodontic Prometric exam.


  1. Endodontics By Ingel 6th edition

  2. Pathways of the Dental Pulp 10th Edition by Cohen and Burns

If you are a Endodontist, check out Dentello study material for Endodontic Prometric exam.

Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology:

  1. Oral Pathology A Textbook of Oral Pathology by Shafer W., Hine M.and Levy B. 4th edition, W.B Saunders Co. Philadelphia 2009 Edu. Elsevier India, New Delhi.

Oral Surgery:

  1. Peterson Principle of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery By Peterson

  2. Local Anesthesia in Dentistry

If you are an Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgeon, check out Dentello study material for Oral Surgery Prometric exam.

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